To proclaim Christ
In order that you may be good, reliable announcers of Christ
you ought very especially to prepare yourselves now
by diligent study during the time of your training,
so that you may acquire a thorough knowledge
of Catholic teaching and may be able to proclaim it.
Blessed Francis Jordan
As Salvatorians we recognize the need for thorough education and formation of the candidates to priesthood and religious life. This process of spiritual and intellectual growth is being done in our seminaries.
Seminary – it is a place and time for the candidates to our community for study and reflection about their vocation to priesthood and religious life. Our Australian Community of Salvatorians is in close connection with two of our Salvatorian seminaries. One in Poland were most of our members concluded formation towards priesthood and second in the Philippines were young candidates from east Asia receive their spiritual and intellectual nourishment.
Salvatorian Seminary in Poland
This seminary educates candidates mostly from Poland but is also open for the candidates from Eastern European countries. Formation process in this seminary starts with Postulancy and Novitiate. This is an initial time for spiritual understanding of our religious life. Formation continues with formal university study of Philosophy and Theology. The time of formation from the beginning to the ordination usually takes from 7 to 8 years.
Salvatorian Seminary in Philippines
This seminary educates candidates from Philippines, Vietnam, China, Indonesia and East Timor. Formation process in this seminary starts with Candidature and continues with 4 years of study of Philosophy followed by one year of Novitiate and 4 years of Theology. So, formation for priesthood and religious life in this seminary takes around 10 years. (Vocation Inquiries)