
Know, Love, and Serve Jesus Christ
Saviour of the world


In the Family
Salvatorians in Australia
We are an international religious community founded by Blessed Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan.
We live according to the Evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience. We especially commit ourselves to following our Saviour as his apostles.
We minister to God’s people in over 44 coutries.

Our Australian Community
Living out our mission in Australia, we minister in parishes, schools, ethnics and retreats.
About Us

Blessed Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan
Founder of the Salvatorians
Born | 16/06/1848 |
Ordained | 21/07/1878 |
Foundation of SDS | 08/12/1881 |
Died | 08/09/1918 |
Beatified | 15/05/2021 |

The House where Bl Francis Jordan was born

Founding of the Salvatorians

Salvatorians come to Australia

Beatification of Fr. Jordan

Blessed Mary of the Apostles
Co-foundress of the Congregation of Sisters of the Divine Saviour.
In 1888 Father Jordan called Mother Mary to Rome. He found a house for the sisters in Tivoli and on 8th December 1888 she and two others received the habit from Father Jordan. On 25th March 1889 she made perpetual vows in the Sisters of the Catho-lic Teaching Society and was appointed superior. In December 1890 three sisters were sent to the first mission of the Society in Assam, India. By the end of 1892 there were about 50 sisters and novices in the house in Tivoli and they were being sent out to many different parts of the world.
Our History

SDS History World
In order to understand the history of our Society it is necessary to look at the historical background, particularly the situation in Germany at the time, and the life of our founder Fr Francis Jordan.

SDS History Poland
From the very beginning of their existence Salvatorians have been very much an international religious order. Among the members there was a significant number of Polish men. Out of about a thousand candidates who joined the order in the years 1881-1900, about one hundred were Polish.

SDS History Australia
The history of the Salvatorians in Australia began in 1961. A few years earlier the Archbishop of Perth, Redmond Prendiville, sent a letter of invitation to the head of our Society in Rome, Fr Bonaventura Schweizer. Replying to the invitation Fr Schweizer sent the first Savatorian, Fr Paul Keyte to Australia in 1961.
Call to Proclaim
The kindness and love of God for humanity have appeared in Jesus Christ. In Him, the one true Saviour of the world, all people are called to union with God and one another to form the People of God. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and out of concern for the salvation of all, Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan founded the Society of the Divine Saviour and gave it the apostolic purpose to announce to all people that Jesus is the Saviour.
The Constitution of the Society
Moved by the words of the Gospel: “Eternal life is this: to know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent,” our Founder gave us the command and mission not to rest content until all people know, love, and serve Jesus as their Saviour.
And he said to them, “Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation”
Mark 16:15
Our Religious Life
"The life of those who join this work is the apostolic life, or the imitation of the holy Apostles. They leave behind all things and go to work there where, in the judgment of the superiors, the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls await each one." _

Rules 1882
"The spirit by which they are impelled is the love of God and of neighbor, according to St. Paul's exhortation in his first letter to the Corinthians (Ch. 13). That love is like a burning fire from which issues forth such an apostolic fervor that they give all and wholly spend themselves for souls, even to the shedding of their blood, if God should desire." _

Rules 1882
"Since, however, without effort towards their own perfection no fruit is to be expected from their labors in the Lord's vineyard, they are bound to make daily progress on the road to holiness. Let them, therefore, be mindful above all that all our progress is the work of divine grace, which they should in unceasing prayer implore for themselves from the Father of all light." _

Rules 1882
"In order to grow in this necessary virtue it is very helpful to look upon our Lord Jesus Christ, who became obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross... Celibacy is to be observed in the Lord... Since they follow in the footsteps of the holy Apostles who left all things and followed Christ they shall, as far as possible, observe poverty in their life and conduct." _

Rules 1882
"Above all, the members shall cultivate mutual charity so that, united by the bond of peace in the Holy Spirit, they show themselves to be companions of the Apostles, taking as their special legacy the words of our greatest master, Jesus Christ, as He was about to leave this world: “A new commandment I give to you that you love one another; even as I have loved you, you too, shall love each other.” They shall treat each other with kindness, support one another with patience, and accept correction from a confrere in all humility." _
Salvatorian Spirituality

As Salvatorians we describe our charism, mission, spirituality and identity by stating that these elements are all inseparably related to one another.
Consecrated Life

‘Consecrated’ life means solemnly dedicated to Christ with undivided heart through religious vows.
Community Life

We are called by God to a community of faith, fraternity, and apostolate. Following the example of the first Christians, we share with our confreres our faith experience, our friendship and fraternal living and our apostolic activities.
Child Safeguarding
Code of Conduct SDS
Integrity in Ministry is a code of conduct for clergy, religious and lay people carrying out formal ministries on behalf of the Catholic Church in Australia.
Child Safeguarding Commitment Statement
The Society of the Divine Savior (SALVATORIANS) Australian Region, as a religious missionary Congregation and a member of CRA is committed to the safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
St Lawrence Church
Balcatta Parish WA
Salvatorians are in this parish since 1997
394 Albert St, Balcatta
PO Box 159, Northlands WA 6905Ph: +61 8 9344 7066
Fax: +61 8 9440 6056 -
St Andrew's Church
Clarkson Parish WA
Salvatorians are in this parish since 2019
60 Victorsen Parade, Clarkson WA 6030
Ph: +61 8 9407 9815 -
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Esperance Parish WA
Salvatorians are in this parish since 1980.
4 Giles St, PO Box 15
Esperance WA 6450Ph: +61 8 9071 2091
Fax: +61 8 9071 3693 -
St Patrick Church
Gosford Parish NSW
Salvatorians are in this parish since 2002.
76 York St
Gosford East NSW 2250Ph: +61 2 4325 1042
Fax: +61 2 4323 3826 -
St Anthony's Church
Greenmount Parish WA
Salvatorians are in this parish since 1961.
96 Innamincka Rd, Greenmount
PO Box 428, Midland WA 6936Ph: +61 8 9294 3504
Fax: +61 8 9255 1110 -
Copper Coast - St Mary MacKillop
Kadina Parish SA
Salvatorians are in this parish since 2022
6 Hallett St, Kadina SA 5554
PO Box 459, Kadina SA 5554
(Kadina, Moonta, Port Proughton, Wallaroo)Ph: +61 8 8821 3943
Our Lady of Lourdes
Nollamara Parish WA
Salvatorians are in this parish since 2013
Presbytery: 181 Morley Drive, Nollamara WA 6061
Parish Office: 269 Flinders Street, Nollamara WA 6061
Ph: +61 8 9345 5541
Fax: +61 8 9345 5581 -
St Simon Peter Church
Ocean Reef Parish WA
Salvatorians are in this parish since 2001
20 Prendiville Ave
Ocean Reef WA 6027Ph: +61 8 9300 4885
Fax: +61 8 9300 5984 -
Sacred Heart Church
Pittwater Parish NSW
Salvatorians are in this parish since 2008
1 Keenan St
Mona Vale NSW 2103Ph: +61 2 9157 0999
Sacred Heart Church
Pymble Parish NSW
Salvatorians are in this parish since 2001
2 Rychard Porter Way, Pymble NSW 2073
PO Box 231, Turramurra NSW 2074Ph: +61 2 9144 2702
St Luke’s Church
Revesby Parish NSW
Salvatorians are in this parish since 2019
1 Beaconsfield St, Revesby, NSW 2212, Australia
Phone: (02) 9773 9065 -
St Luke’s Church
Woodvale Parish WA
Salvatorians are in this parish since 1991
2 Parkside Ramble, Woodvale WA 6026
Telephone: 9409 6291
Italian Community in Balcatta Parish
Polish Community in Greenmount Parish
Seminary - it is a place and time for the candidates to our community for study and reflection about their vocation to priesthood and religious life. Our Australian Community of Salvatorians is in close connection with two of our Salvatorian seminaries. One in Poland were most of our members concluded formation towards priesthood and second in the Philippines were young candidates from east Asia receive their spiritual and intellectual nourishment.
Mission Support
We, the Salvatorians have received from our Founder the task to never rest content until all people know, accept, and love Christ. Salvatorians are called to proclaim the Good News of salvation to all, without distinction. And so we are called to continuously open and search new horizons, also geographically, in order to spread and proclaim Christ the Saviour. In the last 20 years the Society established its presence in many new countries. Most of those countries could be called “mission” countries, although some are in traditionally Catholic areas.
Puso Sa Puso
In response to our Salvatorian call to serve everywhere, to all people as the love of Christ inspires our Salvatorian brothers in Manila with cooperation of many people established educational program for the young people who live in the slums of Parola. It started as a small Christmas party for the children of Parola (Puso Sa Puso - Heart to Heart) and eventually evolved into Alternative Learning System Approach: Bridging Unlimited Hope for the Advancement of Youth (ALSA BUHAY - Uplift the Life).
Visit us on Facebook
You can find up-to-date more news on our Facebook.

The Salvatorian Family
The Salvatorian Family has three branches: Salvatorian Fathers and Brothers, Salvatorian Sisters and Lay Salvatorians.
They are united by a public commitment to the mission as envisioned by our Founder, Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan, forming one family of zealous apostles, announcing to all the salvation that has appeared in Jesus Christ (John 17:3). The Lay Salvatorians share their vocation in equality and complementary with the other members of the Salvatorian Family.

Lay Salvatorians are men and women, married or single, who have God at the center of their lives; people who have the ability to lead, transforming their environment by the way they live, defenders of life, human rights and all of God’s creation; people who, with their lives, give testimony of God’s kingdom and find strength by sharing in spiritual community with other Salvatorians.
Lay Salvatorians
Beg of the Holy Spirit that you may become people of prayer,
that you may observe the precept of the Divine Saviour.
Pray continually and never lose heart.
For us it is necessary and always will be necessary to pray,
to storm heaven, to remain one in prayer,
until we have obtained help from above.
Fr Francis Jordan

Links to Lay Salvatorians websites

Salvatorian Sisters
The Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Savior was the second foundation established by Fr. Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan with collaboration of Therese von Wüllenweber who shared Jordan’s vision. The Congregation began in 1888. By 1890 Fr. Jordan sent priests and brothers to serve in Northeast India. In 1891 Mother Mary of the Apostles (Therese von Wüllenweber) sent sisters to work with the women and children of the new Indian mission.
Mother Mary of the Apostles loved the missions. She felt that women should be able to serve as true collaborators in every type of apostolic work, with special attention directed toward the needs of women and children. Salvatorian Sisters collaborate with other members of our Salvatorian Family (Salvatorian Priests and Brothers, Lay Salvatorians), sharing a particular spirit of universality inherited from our Founder. They choose to live by common values, work for the same goals, and share resources.
Currently there are about 1200 sisters working in 29 countries worldwide. At this time Salvatorian Sisters are not present in Australia. If you want to find out more information about Sisters go to links below.

The Salvatorian Cllaborators
Sharing the same charism…
According to the original intention of our Founder,
we seek to promote cooperation with individuals
and groups joined with us in his spirit and apostolic purpose.
They collaborate in the apostolic works of the Society.
The Constitution of our Society
Our world is sadly divided: east-west, north-south, developed-developing, black-white, clerical-lay, male-female… to name a few. The best witness we can give to our world and Church is work, pray and play together as gospel people: male and female, clerical and lay. Salvatorians need you and your gifts in our effort “that all may know the Saviour”. Our prayers are with you as you discern if God is calling you to our family.
Salvatorian Collaborators are people who are living out the call of the gospel according to their own lifestyles, but who sense a need for joining with others to live out this call more deeply.
Salvatorian Collaborators are committed to spending their time and talents in response to the needs of others so that all may come to know the only Saviour of the world.
Father Francis Jordan, founder of the Salvatorians, collaborated with lay people long before the II Vatican Council. From the foundations of his community, Father Jordan held the belief that lay people had an important and essential part in the solution to the apostolic problems of that time. He wanted to inspire all Catholics with a missionary sense of responsibility for their neighbour’s welfare.
Being a Salvatorian Collaborator is open to all: clergy, religious and lay people. However, as most are lay parishioners, it is important that we address the changing position of the laity within the Church, especially since the Second Vatican Council.
Aims of the Salvatorian Collaborators
Collaborators share in the mission and charism of Salvatorians in a manner appropriate to their state in life.
Collaborators intercede for the Salvatorians by daily prayer, self-denial, participation in the Eucharist and prayer for the beatification of the Salvatorian Founder, Fr Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan.
Collaborators support Salvatorians, wherever they serve, in their mission of making Jesus, the only Saviour of the world, known, and pray for the new vocations to the Salvatorian Community.
Our life is apostolic
Rules. 1882